Make sure to plan the work on 2 stages: Development and implementation of Quality Management System and Certification of the Quality Management System.
The assessment of conformity by a third party (third-party conformity assessment activity): the conformity assessment activities, which is performed by the person or body, independent (th) from a person or organization that provides (s) to the object, and the user who is interested in this subject.
A conformity assessment body (conformity assessment body): The authority providing conformity assessment services. Note - The accreditation body is not a conformity assessment body.
Conformity assessment scheme (program of conformity assessment) (conformity assessment scheme, conformity assessment programme): conformity assessment system related to specified objects of conformity assessment, to which the same specified requirements, specific rules and procedures.
Certification (certification): Conformity assessment by a third party relating to products, processes, systems or personnel.
Certification of management systems are sometimes referred to as registration.
Conformity assessment - proof that the product requirements, process, system, person or body are fulfilled.
Quality: Organizations focused on quality, develop a culture that is reflected in the behavior, style of thinking, actions and processes aimed at creating value through stakeholder satisfaction requirements.
The quality of products and services produced by an organization depends on the ability to satisfy customers, as well as expected or unintended effects on other stakeholders. The quality of products and services includes not only inherent in their functions and parameters, but also their perception of the value and benefit of the consumer.
Quality Management System (QMS) includes activities through which the organization sets its objectives and identifies the processes and resources required to achieve the desired results. QMC manages the interaction processes and resources required to create value and produce for the relevant stakeholders. QMS allows senior management to optimize the use of resources, taking into account the short-term and long-term consequences of decisions. QMS provides a means for determining action to take measures against the expected and unexpected situations while delivering products and services.
The context of the organization Understanding the context of the organization - it is a process. This process identifies the factors that affect the organization of intentions, goals and stability. It takes into account internal factors, such as values, culture, knowledge and production characteristics of the organization. It also takes into account external factors that are related to the legal, technological, cultural, social and economic fields, the field of competition and the market.